
Then and Now - Modular Wardrobe Systems

So I finally got a hold of Multiples, an 80's modular clothing system that I keep hearing about. "Oh, it's like the multiples from the eighties!" I never really knew what to do with this, since I wasn't familiar with the line, hence unable to compare and contrast.

I've been waiting a really long time for this image. I can now authoritatively say: "....not entirely. Though the concept is similar, those designs were bulky silhouettes that bear no resemblance to the figure flattering ones that I've been developing. Our patterns are also zero waste, and the garments can be worn year round."

On a conceptual level, the two lines are very similar: future-forward wardrobe systems with simple patterns, designed to make getting dressed more fun and efficient. However, in terms of the way the two lines are rendered, they couldn't be more dissimilar in terms of approach to the female form. (I'm actually quite relieved, because this could have meant that I spent the last three years reinventing the wheel!)

While the multiples concept was indeed ahead of it's time, a lot has changed over the past twenty years. We now know that wearing excessively loose clothing makes one appear larger and older. While loose stretchy clothing is comfortable, and is a popular choice for many, they do very little to showcase a woman's best features. We have also become a lot more body conscious since the eighties, and there is a wide selection of support technology, advertising and equipment on the market to support this trend.

Most of us have some areas we want to downplay, and other areas we want to showcase. The key concept behind Trudy Miller Layers is that clothing should be able to do both at the same time (...or whatever you want it to do) so you always look great, and never look like you're 'hiding'.

Here is an example of the same wardrobe kit, being worn by three different body types and personalities:

Clean Getaway: jeans & t-shirt style. Body type - curvy apple.
Clean Getaway Kit: leggings and heels style. Body type: petite athletic.

Clean Getaway Kit: standalone style. Body type - slender banana, 3rd trimester.

It makes me so happy to be able to serve the needs of these three very different women with the same equipment!

Confession: I do own one moo-moo....a house dress that belonged to my late grandmother. When she died, my mom gave one to my sister and me to remember her by. I rarely put it on, but when i do, it feels very special.

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