
Trudy, You are no techie!

I am no techie, as my dear friend Wesley would say, laughing out loud any time we talked about online marketing, SEO and social media. I am tenacious, however, and have been known to get by using brute force. I've been "blogging" for a few years now, and still haven't fully grasped how it all works yet.

In other news, I had to abort the 101 Kimono Dragons campaign for something that will surely add up to more in the long run - a yoxi video competition called Trim the Waste of Fashion. My intern Cassandra and I both have an interest in teaching citywide workshops, so we're super-excited. I have two great team mates, and here's our video entry:

Luckily, we had the BK Style team to help us with the first video. The rest will be on me, and I'm no techie....

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